Quotes And Leadership Lessons From Howl’s Moving Castle

A Reel Leadership Article

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Our local movie theater participates in the Studio Ghibli Fest every year. The festival is a time to focus on and recognize the fantastic works of the Japanese animation studio and their impact on the animation industry. 

Currently, there are 23 films from Studio Ghibli. These range from the emotionally heart-wrenching Grave Of The Fireflies to the light-hearted Porco Rosso or The Cat Returns. There’s something for everyone from Studio Ghibli.

This year, Pamela and I caught Howl’s Moving Castle by Hiyao Miyazaki. It’s a classic anime film celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. 

A young girl is being held by a man with bird-like features.

The story revolves around Sophie (Emily Mortimer/Jean Simmons). Sophie lacks confidence. She believes others are more beautiful and talented than her. After meeting Howl (Christian Bale), the Witch of the Waste (Lauren Bacall) curses her and turns her into a grandmother!

As Sophie tries to win the affection of Howl, avoid the Witch of the Waste’s henchmen, and become young again, a lot happens. Every Studio Ghibli film has a deep meaning. This film is about confidence, the way we treat others, and the kindness we can show. More than that, there are leadership principles in Howl’s Moving Castle.

Let’s explore those today!

Quotes And Leadership Lessons From Howl’s Moving Castle

1. Howl:

Don’t hold it against them.

Sophie is walking around her town. Two guards begin to harass her. She’s uncomfortable. The guards are rude and crude.

Then Howl steps in. He walks up behind Sophie, says he’s been looking for her all over town, and runs the guards off.

What he says next is shocking. Howl asks Sophie not to hold it against them. His tone is one of almost asking her to forgive the guards.

People will do things that make you uncomfortable, angry, and frustrated. You will have a choice when people behave this way. 

You can:

  • Hold onto bitterness and anger. Holding everything against them.
  • Allow forgiveness to seep into your heart. Set them and yourselves free by offering forgiveness.

Do what Howl said… Don’t hold things against others. It won’t do you any good.

2. It’s okay to let go of the past:

Howl and Sophie float down to Sophie’s sister’s shop. There, Lettie (Jena Malone) asks Sophie if she really wants to spend her life at the shop. 

Sophie answered that the shop had meant so much to their father. She couldn’t see leaving the shop behind.

Lettie wasn’t impressed with Sophie’s answer. She knew the honest answer. Sophie wasn’t happy there. She needed to move on. She needed to let go of the past.

What are you holding onto from your past? For the longest time for me, it was an old, ugly couch. The couch meant something to me because there were memories of one of my dogs attached to it. 

Yet, it was taking up much-needed space in our living room. It wasn’t being used. There could be something better there.

Letting go of the past is okay. You don’t have to hold onto everything, every memory or thing that reminds you of something, or even old methods that are no longer working.

Look at what you’re holding onto. Let go of what’s not beneficial any longer.

3. Sophie:

I’ve got to remain calm.

Sophie returns to her hat shop, Hatters. There, the Witch of the Waste visits. She walks in through a locked door and has a conversation with Sophie.

You know what Sophie isn’t having any of? The Witch’s visit. She kindly escorts the Witch of the Waste to the door and goes to let her out.

The Witch of the Waste transforms into a mist and blows through Sophie. Sophie awakens later and begins to repeat that she must remain calm, especially after seeing she’s aged.

We’re going to face daunting circumstances as a leader. They will test us, stretch us, and frustrate us. 

Let’s be Sophies when this happens. 

What does that mean? It means we do our best to remain calm. We don’t blow our lids. We figure out the next step and move forward from there.

4. Sophie:

When I think castles, this isn’t what I pictured.

Sophie comes across Howl’s moving castle. It’s a behemoth. The castle looks like it is piecemealed together and moving awkwardly.

What’s worse was the inside of the castle. It was a mess. Garbage, trash, dust, and dirt were everywhere. 

It wasn’t what Sophie expected.

You may have entered into an organization. One that was promoted as successful, lively, and energetic. You knew you were misled when you stepped into the building or got to know the people.

The organization wasn’t what you pictured. It was a disorganized mess.

However, you can make a difference in the organization. You can clean it up, right-size it, and make it profitable.

Sophie did this in Howl’s Moving Castle. What’s stopping you from making the changes needed?

5. Markl (Josh Hutcherson):

Quit telling lies to our customers!

Sophie tells a little girl that she is the scariest witch of them all. Oohhhhh!!! 

But Sophie wasn’t a witch. She was a kind-hearted young girl who had something terrible happen to her.

Markl, one of Howl’s helpers, hears Sophie tell the girl this. He speaks up and tells her to stop lying.

This is a tough one for organizations. We’re pushed to make promises and share about our great quality or how well the business is doing.

Be cautious when telling lies, even little ones, to customers.

The more you do, the easier it becomes to tell another lie. Then another. And another.

Soon, you’ll be trapped in an ocean of lies.

6. Sophie:

I like your spark.

Howl’s castle didn’t move on its own. A flame named Calcifer (Billy Crystal) powered the movement.

Calcifer and Howl had come to an agreement years ago. The two would form a symbiotic relationship. Calcifer’s part in the agreement was to use his energy to power and move the castle. 

Sophie began to form a relationship with Calcifer after going to clean the bathroom. It was a total mess. That all melted away when she looked out the window. The castle was moving and it was beautiful.

She went to find Calcifer on the hearth. He was glowing bright. Without hesitation, Sophie asked him if he was moving the castle. He was. And Sophie said she liked his spark. 

It was Calcifer’s spark that was moving the castle.

Look at your team. Really look at them. What are their individual talents?

These talents are their sparks. It’s what they do well, how they impress people, and the difference they make.

Find their spark. Then make sure they know you’re aware of it. Praise it. Praise them.

7. Familiarity can breed indifference:

Sophie had never seen the ocean before. As the castle moved, they passed a big, vast, beautiful ocean. Sophie soaked in the view.

It was beautiful.

However, Markl had a different opinion. It was just the ocean. He’d seen it a thousand times. There was nothing special to the ocean for him. The ocean always looked the same.

Markl’s familiarity with the ocean had bred indifference.

I can understand Markl’s indifference. Living on the shores of Lake Michigan, we see the big lake regularly. However, over time, we can forget the joy, wonder, and peace the lake brings. That’s what Markl has experienced. It’s what happens to us after a while at work.

There are so many awe-inspiring things in our organizations. From how things flow to the technology that runs it to the people involved in the organization.

Our day-to-day interactions with everything involved in the business lead us to feel indifferent. The excitement that was once there is gone. The joy we had in seeing our team is gone. It’s just there. The organization looks the same every day.

Let’s break out of the hold of indifference. So many beautiful, wonderful, amazing things are happening in your organization. Look for them. Find them. Experience them.

8. Howl:

Knowing you’d be there gave me the courage to show up.

Howl had been summoned to the castle for military service. He feared going. He wanted Sophie to pretend to be his grandma and tell Madame Suliman (Blythe Danner), the King’s Royal Sorcerer, that Howl wasn’t going to be able to make it.

Madame Suliman provides magic for the country and the King. She had also sought out Howl because he was a wizard. But what we didn’t know about Madame Suliman was her evilness. She had placed a curse upon Howl. This was the reason Howl was a coward and didn’t want to show himself before her.

However, after Sophie had gone to Madame Suliman, Howl had shown up. Why? Because knowing Sophie was there gave him courage.


Our presence can give someone the courage to show up. To be the best they can be.

Just by being there, a leader can strengthen their people. Don’t forget the power of your presence.

9. Great leaders make room:

Howl’s castle wasn’t static. There could be magical changes made to it.

As Howl’s family grew, Howl began to add new rooms to the castle. There was an additional bathroom added for Sophie. Then, there was a new room that Sophie could use. 

Howl kept making room for the growing number of people there.

What are you doing to make room for people in your organization? The first thing you need to consider is how you make room for the people already in your organization to grow. What positions, opportunities, and training are there for these people who have shown you commitment?

The second thing to consider is how you make room for new people to enter your organization. How are you making space for people to start new careers that will help you and your organization? The more room for growth there is, the more your organization can do.

10. Great leaders give of themselves:

Early in the film, we discover that Calcifer and Howl had an agreement. If Calcifer’s flame went out, Howl would die. We were never told why this would happen until the film’s end.

Howl had given Calcifer his heart so that Calcifer could live. Howl gave of himself for someone else’s benefit.

What are you giving of yourself to others? There’s so much you can do.

Whether it is your time, energy, or financial resources. You have more than your team. 

Look at what you can give to improve your team members’ lives.

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