What Are You Willing To Change?

There are areas of our lives that are absolute. We’re absolutely, 100% unwilling to change certain things. For most, these absolutes are:

  • Our faith in God
  • The love for our spouse/children
  • Our integrity
  • Generosity

We believe these things make up our core. These are what make us us. We know we cannot compromise on these areas of life.


Some things are negotiable. There are things we are willing to change. 

What Are You Willing To Change?

Thinking through what you’re unwilling to change, you must be willing to think about what you are willing to change. When you know what you won’t and will change, you’re going to come out stronger, wiser, more ready to kick butt.

What are you willing to change? It could be:

  • Business processes
  • Team members
  • Your health-state
  • How you talk to/treat others
  • Where you live/work
  • Bad habits
  • Organizations

We can and should be willing to change the things that are not core to who we are. That’s why business processes, team members/relationships, our health, where we live, and organizations are all on the list above. These things don’t make us who we are.

Look for the things in your life that need to be changed. It could be one of the things listed above. It could be something completely different. Yet, when you land on it, you know and understand it must change.

Be willing to put in the hard work it takes to change. 

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